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The Dream of a Strong Military to Maintain World Peace

中国梦 强军梦



Today we live in a world of war and conflicting interest. All causes for the interest of US imperalism. The US ensures and encourages war and conflict to build a market for arms. As the world's largest exporter in arms sales, the US makes hugh sums of profit which sustains them as an economic superpower. While we are suffering and dying, billions of dollars are poured into the US. Their citizens can enjoy the highest standard of living while we our countries are put into civil disorder with our people killing each other and our economy plumenting to new lows. Only the Chinese Dream can save us from this worn torn world. The Chinese Dream is a dream consisting of all that is great, including the Dream of Everlasting World Peace. To do so, China must develop a much stronger military so the nation can

Philosophy of the PLA "The Millitary Spirit"


challenge US imperialism. But before doing so China must take the 1st step to secure itself from western imperialism then take the 2nd step to stop the US from bulling any other country again. That is the 1st great step to world peace.

The 4 Philosophies of the People's Liberation Army:

The army whom defends the Chinese Sovereignty is the Peoples Liberation Army (中国人民解放军) or PLA for short. Under the Chinese Dream the Army works under 4 phylosophies, Military Spirit (军魂), Fulfil All Given Responsibities and Duties as a Military Personel (职守), Accomplish One's Mission (使命) and Utmost Loyalty to the Nation (忠诚). The Military Spirit of a soldier or any member of the PLA is to serve China under the unity and respect to the Chinese Communist Party Leadership (中国共产党的领导), where it is the party responsibility to guide them to uphold and maintain peace within the nation and to fund and provide the army with all necessary needs

4 Philosophies

in all areas such as scientific research, the construction of advance military infrastructures, training, etc. As a military personnel of the PLA, one must fulfill all given responsibilities, as an individual. The Party's duty is to allocated the correct responsibilities to each army personnel, providing enough resources for them to safeguard the sacred Chinese Sovereignty. If the nation gets into turmoil, in order to restore order, an army personnel may be allocated an important mission in which the fate nation is in their hands. As long as the military is loyal the China, the Chinese Dream will surely succeed.

Military of the Qin Dynasty:

The dream to build a strong military for the security of the nation has existed for thousands of years. In ancient times, China has always been under threat by the northern barbarians who

Philosophy of the PLA "Fulfil All Given Resposibilities as a Military Personel"

Qin Dynasty

Philosophy of the PLA "Accomplish Missions"

would move south annually to invade and plunder the prosperous Chinese nation. Under such hostile environment China was under pressure to strengthen its defense. 230 BC, Emperor Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇), launched a war to unify all the Chinese States as one, to establish a strong and powerful China. His powerful army consists of horsemen who were the 1st in the world to ride with stirrups. By the 3rd century AD metallurgical advances allowed the Chinese to cast the world's 1st metal stirrups. The army also used a variety of weapons. At that time, most weapons in the world, especially the most lethal ones were invented in China. Among them was the crossbow, which had triggers that were precision engineered mechanism, using technology 1300 years a head of their time and were as complex as modern rifle bolts. At that time no country in the world would even had the technology to produce even a single crossbow trigger while Emperor Qin had the ability to mass produce hundreds of thousands for his brave and

loyal army. With weapons like these, the Emperor's army would become the most feared in the world and in 9 years, the empire was unified. In the centuries to come, the Chinese would make the crossbow to be even more deadlier. The army discovered by attaching a magazine of bolts to a crossbow, it will fire its arrows like a machine gun. A force of 100 men armed with the weapon can fire 2000 arrows in 15 seconds. For the Emperor, being equipped with the most powerful weapons wasn't enough to ensure long term peace for the nation. China was still under the threat of invasion by the barbarians of the north, the Xionglu (匈奴). So up at the north, he built a

long defensive wall completely sealing up the lengthy northern border. This was the longest wall ever built in world history, known as the Great Wall of China. No modern country had ever built any wall this long. Being the 1st nation in the world to use the gunpowder weaponry, the Chinese army had already equipped gunpowder weapon formally since the Sung Dynasty (宋朝).

The World's First Machine Gun:

The Chinese had invented a lot of firearms with the development of gunpowder technology. However it is stereotypical to see China as a backward state during the Qing Dynasty, especially in the military. But if we look deep into the historical facts and evidence, we will see the

Philosophy of the PLA "Loyalty to the Nation"

The World's 1st Machine Gun

complete opposite. Little of we know, about the military scientific genius of the Qing Dynasty. The earliest among them is Dai Zi (戴梓). In 1674, since 3 decades of ruling under the Qing Dynasty, Dai Zi (戴梓) joined the military. Being influenced by his father, a great weaponry designer, Dai Zi enjoyed building machines, in his youth. When he was in the army he invented the world's 1st machine gun (机关枪). Known as the Continuous Shot Gun (连珠铳), its gear design was very ingenious. It could fill and fire bullet continuously, simplifying the procedure of filling and improving the speed of shot greatly. Its principle is just like a modern machine gun, a very amazing invention for that time. Unfortunately, Dai Zi was framed by the treacherous court official. The Qing Emperor who listened

Metal Stirrups Casted at the 3rd Century AD

indiscriminately to the slanderous talk and banished him to Shenyang where he lived over 30 years, experiencing all kinds of hardships. Also being a talented calligrapher Dai Zi spent the rest of his life selling calligraphy and paintings of his own works, earning a low income for a living. His invention, The Continuous Shot Gun, eventually did not equip the Qing army and was gradually lost. This left the Chinese with great regret.

Military Scientific Genius of the Opium War, Ding Gongchen:

March 1839, Viceroy of Huguang, Lin Zexu arrived in Guangdong to eliminate the opium trade. He was a formidable bureaucrat known for his competence and high moral standards, with an imperial commission from the Daoguang Emperor to halt the illegal importation of opium by the British. Upon arrival, he made changes within a matter of months. He arrested more than

Military Scientific Genius of the Opium War, Ding GongchenAnchor 1

1,700 Chinese opium dealers and confiscated over 70,000 opium pipes. A month and a half later, the merchants gave up nearly 1.2 million kg of opium. June 3, 1839, 500 workers labored for 23 days to destroy the opium, mixing it with lime and salt and throwing it into the sea outside the Humen Town. Lin composed an elegy, apologizing to the gods of the sea for polluting their realm. This angered the British who then declared war on China, marking the 1st Opium War. In 1840, during the war, a Chinese merchant, Ding Gongchen, made his return to China. Seeing his nation torn in war, he decided to help improve the nations weaponry. Based on his research on

foreign firearms, Ding proposed to adopt the operational table for gun aiming (火炮加表之法). Based on his experimental results, Ding managed to increase the accuracy of Chinese guns. He wrote the book, Yan Pao Cha Gao Tu Shuo (演炮差高图说), recording all his details. The Guangzhou Grand Coordinator, Liang Baochang (梁宝常) the success of Ding's method, in Guangzhou, and reported to the Court who granted Ding the feathered cap of the sixth rank. In order to defend from the foreign aggressors, Ding compiled all materials relating to western weapons and by further summarizing his own research, he published and finalized Yan Pao Tu Shou (演炮图说), in 1841. This content of his book are the methods to of gun firing, gun making, gun emplacement construction, powder formulation, etc. By 1842 spring,

The Crossbow, Among the Deadly Weapons Used by the Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang

Ding's book became highly valued by Qi Gong, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Province, and Yi Shan, Jingni General (靖逆将军), who ordered Xi Laben (西拉本) to help impart technology with Ding in the army. In the same year, the Qing Court intended to popularize the methods in Ding's book, however the China surrendered too early before seeing any positive results from Ding. In 1843, a year after the end of the Opium War, Ding published a four volume book, The Important Collection of the Illustrations and Descriptions of Gun Operating (演炮图说辑要). Within this book he written the Illustration of Western Steam Locomotives and Steam Boats (西洋火轮车

火轮船图说) showing his awareness of the paddle wheel steam battleships used by the British imperialists. Using a copper made vertical reciprocating steam engine, Ding constructed a model of the steam boat with a length of 139.86mm which moved very fast. He later drafted a picture of a steam boat but failed to be built into something practical because steam boat construction machines were not yet available in China then. It wasn't until the 1860's when China successfully built the nation's first steamship.

Ding Gongchen's life was marked with many achievements in improving and designing weapons, bring up the military technology of the Qing Dynansty. The pulley device (滑车绞架) he constructed could adjust the position of barrel assembly and change the firing angle conveniently. By using the pulley device, only a few people were required to move the heavy guns. In the past, a dozen men were required to move the guns. His designs were applied on the land forts and warships in Guangdong. At that time, either copper or

iron were used to cast guns. As the quality and cost of copper casted guns were higher than iron casted guns, Ding improved the performance of iron casted guns. He discovered by mixing two types of iron, produced in a ratio of three to seven creates better quality iron. By adopting clay mould and setting the spue in the gun muzzle, Ding eventually built a high quality iron gun. Ding noticed the shells made by the western imperialist, using the clay mould process, tended to be left with striae on their surface, producing an uneven surface, affecting the firing range. Therefore Ding adopted the lost wax process to cast shells which ensured a smooth and stria free surface. He also advocated making different two kinds of shells, solid and hollow. The advantages of these shells were that they are lighter in weight and had longer firing range. In the Guangxi Province, Guilin, Ding Gongchen worked with another military science genius, the inventor of the world's 1st bounding mine, Ding Shoucun (丁守存). They made hundreds of various guns. He also made rockets, jingalls, shotguns, gunpowder, etc. In 1850, while working with Ding Shoucun, he successfully constructed a different kind of rocket with a

The Repeating Crossbow Applied in a Naval Battle

The Inventor of the Repeating Crossbow, Zhuge Liang

Emperor Qin Shihuang Inspects the Construction of the Great Wall of China

firing range of over 660m. At the bottom of this rocket were five holes (five jet nozzles), jetting out flames, producing smoke which quickly permeate everywhere. The rocket performed well in setting fire on enemies' camps and charging into the enemies position, destroying them. Under such attack, the enemy would surely die. These rockets were as fierce as guns.


3 Decades of Civil War and Turmoil:

After the 1st Opium Wars, followed 2 devastating rebellions, the Nien Rebellion (捻乱) of the north and the Anti-Confucian Taiping Rebellion (太平天国之乱) of the south. Both rebellions placed China in a bloody civil war lasting over a decade. The nation was under ​immense economic devastation. The population in China dramatically declined with the loss of many innocent lives. Both the north and south was under disaster, with the south having a bigger impact. The Taiping's destroyed and burnt many Buddhist and Confucius temples to their ashes. Just the Taiping's themselves costed more than 20 million lives

3 Decades of Civil War and Turmoil

(twice that of World War I). Even by the 1950's, some parts of central China had not yet fully recovered from the destruction of the Taiping era. The Taiping Rebellion itself caused more destruction than any war in the world, before the 20th century. The Chinese proverb used to describe the catastrophe was, The Volume of Bloodshed is the Size of a River (血流成河). During such catastrophe, 3 European powers, the British Empire, French Empire, US took advantage and launched the 2nd Opium Wars. Most of China's military were busy fighting with Taiping's, leaving a defenseless nation venerable to foreign invasion. Seeing China loosing the war, Russia would take advantage and sent troops into North East China, entering into the city of Aigun (瑷珲) forcing the Chinese General In Defence of Heilong Jiang (黑龙江将军), Aisin-Gioro Yishan (愛新覺羅·奕山), to the unequal treaty,

The World's First Machine Gun Invented By Dai Zi

2nd Battle of the Taku Forts, the Qing Army Successfully Striking the Enemy Battleships

Treaty of Aigun (中俄瑷珲条约), where land between the Outer Xingan Mountains (外兴安岭), known to the Russians as Stanovoy Mountains, and the river Heilong Jiang (黑龙江), known by the Russians as Amur River, of Outer Manchuria (外东北) was ceded to Russia, which is 600,000 square kilometers of land area. In order to exchange for peace, Emperor Xianfeng (咸丰帝) shamefully signed another unequal treaty, the Treaty of Tientsin (天津条约), to the 3 invading powers. Unwillingly, China opened 11 more ports for opium trade which finalized the western imperialists with the upper hand in trade, foreign warships were also allowed to navigate into freely into Chinese sovereignty though the Yangtze River, imperialists were granted the right to enter China whenever they liked, an indemnity of 2 million taels of silver were paid to Britain and France, and 3 million to British merchants, whom sold opium. Despite the heavy price paid by the Emperor, China was still battling

with Taiping's. Although the privileges and indemnities were beyond ideal, the 3 Western Powers were too greedy, and before the Taiping Rebellion would come to an end, they decided to break the treaty and take advantage of China once more. The Chinese, again, fought against the European powers, at the 2nd Battle of the Taku Forts (第二次大沽口之战), sinking 3 British gunboats, damaging 1 steam launch, killing 94 and wounding 369, while only 32 were killed or wounded on the Chinese side. Despite the victory, with the major force of the Qing military gone fighting the Taiping, the western imperialists eventually took over the Taku Forts and marched

their way to Beijing. Out of jealousy, they burnt and looted the Summer Palace (圆明园). A palace of beauty beyond any outside China. As a result China would sign another unequal treaty, Convention of Peking (北京条约), with the western imperialist, ceding the Kowloon Peninsular to the British Empire which became a part of colonial Hong Kong, today a part of the China's Hong Kong SAR (香港特別行政區). China also had to cede all territories east of the Wusuli River (乌苏里江) to Russia, including one of China's largest island, the Kuye Island (库页岛), losing their access to the Sea of Japan. China lost a land area of about 400,000 sq km, if including the Aigun Treaty, the Tsarist Russian Imperialists forcibly occupied a total area over 1,000,000 sq km. After the treaty, the dynasty continues to be weakened the the Taiping and the Nien Rebellion. In reaction to the turmoil, the Emperor launched the Self Strengthening Movement (自

Video Documentary of the Heavenly Summer Palace

强运动). The aim to revitalize the nation by upgrading the military, adopting advance weapons and technology from the west. At the same time more arsenals and factories were built to manufacture these weapon and also innovate and improve weaponry. During this period, the Qing Army saw great transformation.

1862, when the Qing Government was still busy suppressing the Taiping Rebels of the South and the Nien Rebels of the North, a Muslim rebellion broke out at the Xinjiang Province of North West China known as the Dungan Revolt (同治回变). The rebellion was supported by both the British and the Ottoman Empire. Tsarist Russia would take advantage to this new rebellion, forcing China to cede parts of the Xinjiang Province the Imperialist Empire. In 1864, China was forced to sign another unequal treaty know as the Treaty of Tarbagatai (中俄勘分西北界约记). By this agreement, Russia gained about 350,000 square miles of territory at the expense of Chinese Xinjiang,

Viceroy of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces, Zuo Zongtang

and Lake Balkhash (巴尔喀什湖) went from lying on the border to being entirely surrounded by Russia. August 1864, the Taiping's were defeated and in early 1868, the Viceroy of Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, Zuo Zongtang (左宗棠), succeeded in putting down the Nian Rebellion. Later on, Zuo would finally turn their entire focus in preparation crush the Muslim rebels. But before China would bring the rebellion to an end, Russia takes advantage once more and invades Yining (伊宁) and the rest of its river basin, in 1871. 1877, order was finally restored in Xinjiang. 1881, China's military has modernized to a such a level that the Chinese were in position to reclaim land which Russia stole. Through negotiations the Russians returned Yining and the rest of its river basin, in fear of war. They even acknowledged that Qing China potentially posed a serious military threat. Mass media in the west during this era portrayed China as a rising military power due to its modernization programs and seen as a major threat to the western imperialism, invoking unnecessary fears that China would

The Chinese Submarine of the Qing Dynasty

successfully conquer western colonies like Australia. British author, Demetrius Charles de Kavanagh Boulger stated at the time that the strength of the Qing has been thoroughly demonstrated and that her prestige remained unsullied. "Whatever danger there may be to the permanence of Qing's triumph lies rather from Russia than from the peoples of Tian Shan Nan Lu; nor is there much danger that the Chinese laurels will become faded even before a European foe. Zuo Zongtang and his generals such as Jin Shun and Chang Yao, accomplished a task which would reflect credit on any army and any country. They have given a luster to the modern Chinese administration which must stand it in good stead, and they have acquired a personal renown that will not easily depart. The Qing reconquest of Xinjiang is beyond doubt the most remarkable event that has occurred in Asia during the last fifty years, and it is quite the most brilliant achievement of a Chinese army, led by Chinese Generals, that has taken place

The Qing Army's Machine Gun Dettachments in 1908

since the Qianlong Emperor subdued the country more than a century ago. It also proves, in a manner that is more than unpalatable to us, that the Chinese possess an adaptive faculty that must be held to be a very important fact in every-day politics in Central Asia. They reconquered Kashgaria with European weapons and by careful study of Western science and technology. Their soldiers marched in obedience to instructors trained on the Prussian principle; and their generals maneuvered their troops in accordance with the teachings of Moltke and Manteuffel. Even in such minor matters as the use of telescopes and technology. Their soldiers marched in obedience to instructors trained on the Prussian principle; and their generals maneuvered their troops in accordance with the teachings of Moltke and Manteuffel. Even in such minor matters as the use of telescopes and field glasses we could find this Chinese army well supplied. Nothing was more absurd than the picture drawn by some over-wise observer of this army, as consisting of soldiers fantastically garbed in the guise of Qianlong Emperor subdued the country more than a century ago. It also proves, in a manner

that is more than unpalatable to us, that the Chinese possess an adaptive faculty that must be held to be a very important fact in every-day politics in Central Asia. They reconquered Kashgaria with European weapons and by careful study of Western science and technology. Their soldiers marched in obedience to instructors trained on the Prussian principle; and their generals maneuvered their troops in accordance with the teachings of Moltke and Manteuffel. Even in such minor matters as the use of telescopes and technology. Their soldiers marched in obedience to instructors trained on the Prussian principle; and their generals maneuvered their troops in

Video In Commermoration of August 1 Army Day

accordance with the teachings of Moltke and Manteuffel. Even in such minor matters as the use of telescopes and field glasses we could find this Chinese army well supplied. Nothing was more absurd than the picture drawn by some over-wise observer of this army, as consisting of soldiers fantastically garbed in the guise of dragons and other hideous appearances. All that belonged to an old-world theory. The rebel troops were as widely different from all previous Chinese armies in Central Asia as it well could be; and in all essentials closely resembled that of a European power. Its remarkable triumphs were chiefly attributable to the thoroughness with which China had in this instance adapted herself to Western notions. But, although our hands are tied in Central Asia, they are not fettered at Pekin, and we certainly should congratulate, if we have not done so already, the Chinese on their remarkable successes in

the Tian Shan regions. That step might be pregnant with beneficent results, and our desire to be on good terms with our new, yet our old, neighbour might be met in a cordial manner by the Chinese."

The World's 1st Modern Submarine:

The American Holland Submarine claims to be the ancestor of modern submarines because of its capability in carrying torpedoes and that no submarine built before it can go to war. However in 1880, before the American Holland Submarine, China made the remarkable achievement building the 1st modern submarine in Asia. This oceanic machine was build in the Tianjin Arsenal (天津机器局). Like the American Holland Submarine, it was able to carry torpedoes and was ready for war. Like the submarines of the 20th century and beyond, it is shaped like a water drop and at that time, it was the 1st and only water drop shape submarine in the world. It is also the

The World's 1st Modern Submarine

Maidens of the People's Liberation Army

DF-26 Anti-ship Ballistic Missile Parades Tiananmen Square


world's 1st water drop shape submarine with a X rudder (十字舵尾浆水滴型潜艇). Because of its water drop shape, the submersible can move with high speed and mobility, therefore it can also be called the world's 1st water drop shape submarine with high speed and mobility (水滴行水下高速高机动性潜艇). It is the world's 1st submarine to have an underwater balanced rudder (水下平衡舵). Almost all the technological features of a modern submarine 1st appeared on the Qing submersible making it the true ancestor of modern submarines. The American Holland Submarine which had an underwater balanced rudder was built 10 years later. The Qing Submarine is also the world's 2nd mechanical powered submarine. At that time only 2 countries designed the mechanical powered submarine, they were China and France. Although the Chinese submersible came later than the west. This submarine was, unknowingly, the best of that time. Meiji Japan began to acquire their first submarines

from the US in 1905. So not only did China build the first military submersible before Japan. The nation also lead the world in the technology. Sadly the Tianjin Arsenal was burnt to the ashes by the Eight-Nation Alliance (八国联军), during the Boxer Rebellion (义和团运动). It wasn't until the late 20th Century when China began to design and built submarines right from scratch.


By 1882, a Japanese intelligence report stated that an impressive three fifths of the Chinese Army was equipped and trained with modern weapons. Some armies in the North were already completely armed with modern weapons.


People's Liberation Army:


Qin Shi Huang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Inventions of the Great Ancient Chinese Empire (1 of 5) - YouTube

The invention and influences of stirrup -

Qin's wars of unification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xiongnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

匈奴- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Mysterious China Blog » China once Invented Machine Gun in Qing Dynasty



Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms: Proceedings of the Fith IFToMM Symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanism - Google Books

Nian Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taiping Rebellion - Asia for Educators - Columbia University

Second Opium War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anti-China Atrocities of the New Tsars (1969) - YouTube

外兴安岭- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

黑龍江將軍- 维基百科,自由的百科全书


奕山- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Yishan (Manchu official) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xianfeng Emperor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Treaty of Tientsin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Taku Forts (1859) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

第二次大沽口之战- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

香港- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Convention of Peking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ussuri River - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sakhalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

库页岛- 维基百科,自由的百科全书


义和团运动- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Dungan Revolt (1862–77) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xinjiang under Qing rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zuo Zongtang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yining City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Military history of China before 1911 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1881) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Qing reconquest of Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

清朝中国是世界上第二个成功建造出机械动力潜艇的国家 – 铁血网

史海钩沉:清朝曾经是世界上第二个成功研制潜艇的国家– 铁血网


Some Did It for Civilisation Some Did It for Their Country A Revised View of the Boxer War by Jane E. Ellliott

China's military build up aims to prevent repeat of WW2 disaster - Reuters

Chinese Military Parade - The largest military force in the World - HD 720p - YouTube

10 Biggest Armies in the World - YouTube

List of Chinese inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anti-ship ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

反舰弹道导弹- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

DF-21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

強烈遣責美國入侵中國領海示威遊行29-10-2015 - YouTube


Being aware that one must be capable of defending themselves before they can protect others, today China is serious about upgrading their military to new heights. The military buildup includes developing stealth fighters and anti-satellite missiles. Being both the largest and fastest growing economy, it would only mean for growing security needs. If military falls behind, it will have a fatal impact upon the nation's security with western powers invading, robbing and plundering the hard earned riches within the territory, just like they had back in the Qing Dynasty. The People's Liberation Army was founded on August 1, 1927. Since December 2012, it has been confirmed that the army became the largest in the world with approximately 3 million members, nearly twice the size of the US's 1,431,000 active military personnel. Apart from the massive size of the army, the uniqueness of China's military consists if the world's 1st anti-ship ballistic missile (反舰弹道导弹), DF-21D. This weapon was confirmed by the United States Naval Institute, that the PLA has already invented the technology by the year 2009. In 2010, it was reported that the DF-21D was in its operational stage. The anti-ship ballistic missile was designed to strike an attacking warship at the sea firing a maximum range exceeding 1,450 km. Shorty after China would have another anti-ship ballistic missile in operation, DF-26, with a firing range increased to 3,500 km, twice the range of the DF-21D.

China's sacred sovereignty in the South China Sea was under theat as American destroyers occasionally intrudes the territory. October 29th 2015, Hong Kong ​compatriots peacefully marched to the American Consulate demanding the US to withdraw their destroyers and to provoking hatred in the South China Sea. China only wants peace and is a force for peace in the world. Those who talked up the "China threat theory" have only "ulterior motives to destroy the Chinese Dream so they as individuals can continue benefiting from the suffering of the majority.

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