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The Dream to Fly the Heavenly Sky

中国梦 大飞机梦

Ever since the invention of qinggong (轻功), the Chinese had the dream of human flight. Wuxia Fictions (武侠小说) writes those who practice qigong can fly by circumventing gravity. Being the 1st nation to dream to fly, China is also the 1st in the world to fly humans up. In the year 550, the Emperor would experiment human flight by tieing prisoner, serving the death sentence, to enormous kites. Offical records states that one prisoner managed to fly over 3km. Those who flown on those man-lifting kites have almost no hope of surving their landing. From such observations, the Chinese would turn their interest into safe landing at dangerous heights. The invention of the parachute was credited to Leonardo Da Vinci, however the Chinese were already jumping with parachutes 1500 years before him.


Xiaolongnü (小龙女) Performing Qigong to Fly and Rescue's Yang Guo (杨过)


During the Ming Dynasty, 17th Century,a Chinese craftsman, in Suzhou (苏州), named Xu Zhengming (徐正明), was carving up a toy, called the bamboo dragonfly (竹蜻蜓). From then he visioned a dream of an aircraft, shaped like a dragonfly, with a propeller or top just like the bamboo dragonfly, flying in it was a passenger. After 10 years of hardwork and research, he successfully built the world's 1st

helicopter (直升机). Inside the aircraft was a passenger seat. Located at the bottom front was a foot treadle, connected with a rotating mechenism that drives the helicopter propeller. Without electric power, the helicopter managed to fly a third of a meter high, passing a stream before landing, during the flight test.


December 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers test flights the first airplane, marking the begining of the aerial age. By 1906, not long after the Wright Brother first test flight, a young Chinese man named Feng Ru (冯如), settled at San Francisco to establish an aircraft factory so he could build airplanes of his own design however a massive earthquake and a resulting fire spoiled his plan, forcing him to relocate to Oakland. Funded by a local Chinese buisness man, Feng offically establishes the Guangdong Air Vehicle Company (广东飞行器公司), where he would work till 3 am, designing his very own aircraft. Feng's company was founded 2 years earlier than Short Brothers plc, making it the world's 1st aircraft company. About a year

A Basic Depiction of Xu Zhengming's Helicopter

Feng Ru

The Father of Chinese Aviation, Feng Ru

later, April 1908, Feng completed his first plane, but it failed on its 1st test flight. To add to his dilemma his workshop caught on fire and was burned to the ground. Undaunted, his 2nd plane, a biplane called Feng Ru 1 (冯如1号),was built and tested, on September 1909, above the Oakland hills. Under an uncomfortably strong wind, Feng flew the plane in a wide circle, under perfect control. Unfortunately, the the propeller broke off, and the machine crashed to the ground. Luckily Feng was only bruised. The flight, itself, lasted for 20 minutes. Fung continued to build planes, and on July 1910, his 3rd plane, Feng Ru 2 (冯如2号), also a biplane was completed with a successful test flight. October 1910, the world's 1st international flight contest was held in San Fransisco. Feng participated in the competition, piloting the Feng Ru 2, which he won 1st place. His plane flew both highest and fastest, at a record height of over 700 feet and a record speed of nearly 70 miles/hour. Feng has won the world's 1st international flight contest and is also the designer of the best plane at that time. January 1911, Feng built a newly improved version of Feng Ru 2. This was the last plane he built in the US. A month later, February 1911, Feng Ru makes his returns to China, taking with him 2 airplanes, to develop aviation in the motherland. After the Xinhai Revolution (辛亥革命), Feng was appointed as thr Captain of the Air Force by the Revolutionary Government of the Guangdong province. In March 1912, he built his 1st airplane in China, the very 1st

airplane to be manufactured in China. At that time, the nation acknowleged, Feng Ru as the pioneer of Chinese Aviation. Later in life, he organized aviation shows to popularize aviation among the Chinese. On August 26, 1912, Feng performed a flight demonstration with a plane of his own design and manufacture, in front of a crowd of 1000 spectactors, in Guangzhou. Sadly, Feng's aircraft smashed into a

bamboo grove, where he got a pierced lung. He laid dying and said his last words to his assistants: "Your faith in the progress of your cause is by no means to be affected by my death." He was only 29 years of age. At the request of Dr Sun Yat-Sen, the words “Chinese Aviation Pioneer” were engraved upon Feng’s tombstone. Today the Chinese recognize him as the Father of Chinese Aviation (中国航空之父).


After Fung Ru, and another Chinese aviation pioneer, Wong Tsu (王助), steps on the stage. In 1916, his career began a good start, with the establishment of Boing, at the US, today's world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. Wong was employed by Boing as the company's 1st engineer. He designed Boing's 1st comercial aircraft, a seaplane called Boing Model C.  Wong himself was facinated the the works of Gustave

Biplane, Feng Ru 2

Wong Tsu

Eiffel, the builder of the Eiffel Tower. While designing the Model C, Wong applied Eiffel’s theory and calculations of a flat plate tilted in various ways with air rushing to it. It was applieded in such a way where the tilted flat plates were the wings of the seaplane. A balance of forces in four directions would pull the propeller against the drag of the plane through the air, lifting the wings against gravity. At the

time of his design, Wong said to Jim C. Foley, the Secretary of Boing during that era: “We’ve learned some things that the Wright brothers didn’t know. Now we know how to make a plane inherently stable, so it will return to normal if it is forced off balance in any direction.” Boing Model C was so successful that over 50 were sold to the US Navy, as a millitary aircraft. On March 3, 1919, the same plane delivered the 1st U.S. international airmail from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to Seattle, Washington, US. Thus, Wong's invention not only became one of the first American war training seabirds, but was also an international airmail pioneer. Although Wong wasn't so famous,

Boeing historic records states him as company’s very 1st engineer and was the one who helped put the company on a sound footing. If not for Wong Tsu, Boeing might never have become the industry giant we know it as today.In 1917, about a year after Boing's establishment, Wong returned to China where his proposed to the Beiyang Government the need to established an airplane factory. He went to Fuzhou and worked in the Mawei Naval Yard (马尾造船厂) to acomplish this task. In Febuary 1918, funded by the Beiyang Government, Wong finally established China's 1st airplane factory, Mawei Shipping Bureau's Naval Aircraft Engineering (马尾船政局海军飞机工程处). Wong was given the title as the deputy head of the factory. By August 1919, Wong and his partner, Bao Yuzao (巴玉藻), designed and manufacutured China's 1st seaplane, Jiaxing 1 (甲型1号). From 1918 to 1930, Mawei Shipping Bureau's Naval Aircraft Engineering would manufacture a variety of planes such as trainers, coastal patrol aircrafts, torpedo bombers, etc. It also became the developing base of the first generation of Chinese aeronautical engineers. Wong was as much an innovator in China as he was in the US. August 1922, Wong and Bao Yuzao were tranfered to the Jiangnan Shipyard (上海江南造船所) in Shanghai, where they invented and built the world's 1st seadrome (水上飞机浮动机库——浮坞), 5 years before Edward Armstrong built his seadrome who claims to be the

Boeing 1st Comercial Plane, Boeing Model C, Designed by Wong Tsu

Aviation Innovator, Wong Tsu

inventor as well. In 1934, during the Japanese Invasion, the Nationalist Government commissioned Wong to create the Central Hangzhou Aircraft Manufacturer Company, which built aircraft bombers for defence against the Japanese. In 1944, due to the lack of conventional aircraft materials, Wong invented a composite material made of bamboo for an aeroplane skin with a wooden structure,

with it he designed a bamboo made troop mover aircraft, the 1st modern bamboo airplane. In his life, Wong had a hand in designing at least 30 planes.


Back in 2005, an engineering team in China, Sun Xun, Liu Runping and Hu Huazhi (胡华智) successfully designed China's 1st coaxial double rotor helicopter. Six years later, in 2011, one of the designer's, Hu Huazhi, greatest friend, Chen Ji, died from a flight accident. Shortly after, Hu Huazhi's helicopter coach would loose his life when his helicopter malfunctioned. The 2 accidents arised Hu's determination to design an aircraft with 100% safety guarantee. Early 2013, Hu turned his entire attention to designing larger motors and augmenting flight control systems, this was the 1st step to Hu's aircraft dream. By 2014, Hu establishes Ehang (亿航), in Guangzhou. The company specializes in designing and manufacturing drones, an aircraft with no human pilot abroad. Shortly after estabishment, Ehang began producing their 1st drone, Ghostdrone

Bao Yuzao, who Worked as Wong Tsu Partner to Invent the Seadrome and Design Jiaxing 1

Ehang 184

1.0. It was in Ehang where his dream of aircraft safety became a reality. To begin the disruptive and revolutinary plan, to invent the new genration vehicle that will take a passenger from one place to another, Hu gathered his friends whom he teamed up with to design China's 1st coaxial double rotor helicopter, 9 years ago. Sun Xun, Liu Runping and Hu Huazhi now a reunited engineering team for a new

dream, to invent the aircraft with 100% safety garanteed. The invention was base on 3 philosophies, absolute safety, automation and sync-flight mangement platform. Because Ehang was a drone manufacturing company, the aircraft was to be a drone that will carry passenger. If the project becomes successful, it will be the world's 1st passenger drone. The journey to create the aircraft was paved with obstacles. Things certainly didn't go smoothly. Occasionally during test flights, the drone will end up in pieces. Spending much time analyzing the damage root cause through data analysis, the drone set flight many times. For the worse, during rainy days, the drone can not fly outdoors. Instead, flight test had to be taken indoors, with limited space to perform an accurate test. Flight tests were also taken in the dark night. The team even went as far

Ehang 184 in Flight

as designing their own propeller testing system. Every part of the drone was designed produced by Ehang employees. After making many unremitting endevours, Ehang (亿航) finally unveils their invention, the world’s 1st passenger drone, on January 7, 2016. After making many unremitting endevours, Ehang (亿航) finally unveils their invention, the world’s 1st passenger drone, on January 7, 2016.

Founder of Ehang, Hu Huazhi, Beside His Very Own Ingenious Invention, the Ehang 184

After making many unremitting endevours, Ehang (亿航) finally unveils their invention, the world’s 1st passenger drone, on January 7, 2016. China is the 1st nation to uniquely invent a drone that will carry a passenger from one destination to another. It can invent a drone that will carry a passenger from one destination to another. It can also be known as the world's 1st self driving taxi. This drone, named Ehang 184 (亿航184) which means 1 passenger, 8 propellers and 4 arms, created by Ehang, is completely free from human control.All the passenger has to do is enter the destination in a smartphone app, then the drone will take the passenger safely to the place. The aircraft is eco-friendly, for it runs on battery power and not fuel. Built in reinforcements are available for all flight systems, so in case of failures mulitiple backups are always ready to take over. The independently developed failed safe system ensures if any components mailfunction or any damage during a flight, the aircraft will immeadiately take the precautions to ensure a safe landing. Ehang 184 has multiple independent

flight control systems to auto navigate passengers from the start to the destination point. These systems combine real time data collected from sensors throughout the flight and automatically plot the fastest and safest route to carry passengers to their destination. For the future, Ehang plans to build a command center, to ensure 100% safety and will build an air traffic control center, monitoring every passenger drone on flight, 24 hours a day. Comercialization will begin in the future with the 1st command center in China, with around 300 employees. In case of system failure, during the trip, the drone consist of some very sophisticated backup service, so when one system fails, another one would take over, to keep the drone flying to the destination.



Inventions of the Great Ancient Chinese Empire (3 of 5) - YouTube

Man-lifting kite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

明朝人发明的直升机 ,高空飞翔 1 5 0 0 米。_魔兽世界吧_百度贴吧

Wright Flyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Wright Brothers | The Aerial Age Begins

Feng Ru

Feng Ru - Early Birds of Aviation, Inc.

The Father of Chinese Aviation | Page 1 | History | Air & Space Magazine

The Father of Chinese Aviation | Page 2 | History | Air & Space Magazine

Short Brothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



中国第一航太工程师冯如先生的故事(五) - 中国历史- 铁血历史论坛 - 手机铁血网

中国第一航太工程师 冯如先生的故事(五)- 铁血网

中国航空的开创者——冯如- 作品公示- 蝌蚪社区- Powered by Discuz!

...and theBest - Boeing

Boeing: Our Company

Wong Tsu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SaltOfAmerica Article - Bill Boeing Enters Aviation, Part 2, Builds Airplanes for the Navy

The Chinese Birdman Who Got U.S. Aircraft Giant Boeing Flying - China Real Time Report - WSJ

Historical Dictionary of Science and Technology in Modern China - Lawrence R. Sullivan, Nancy Y, Liu - Google Books

Foochow Arsenal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Edward Robert Armstrong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wong - JETGALA MAGAZINE - Life Beyond First Class

An aviation pioneer, no longer forgotten - Northwest Asian Weekly |

1919 in aviation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


1919年8月9日 中国历史上第一架水上飞机起飞-搜狐新闻

Boeing – The China and Richmond Connection


The Ehang 184: Chinese Company Unveils Passenger Drone Prototype - YouTube


门户- Ehang

CES - YouTube

EHang 184 MegaDrone - Worlds First Self Driving Taxi Car  - YouTube

First passenger drone makes its debut at CES | Technology | The Guardian


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